
Angling with a fly rod has never been an easy pursuit. Part of our inspiration is this exact difficulty. At some point we realized that gear needs to work for the angler and not the other way around.

The DIY spirit has been foundational to our angling story. We have drawn on this experience and applied it to designing innovative products, which provide solutions for common problems with existing methods. Now we strive to hold ourselves accountable to the angler, so fishing hard can be a little easier.

Who we are

Method Works was conceptualised in 2023 by three friends who became tired of listening to each other talk about starting a company. Founded in 2024 we signed our first production order in Dec of the same year. Our first product is set to be released in Spring 2025 and we don't plan on looking back. We love putting ourselves in challenging scenarios, fishing new water, chasing new species, and seeing new landscapes. If we see you out there give us pass on some local knowledge and we will be grateful.